Chiara Scalabrino
With a degree in Environmental Sciences, since 2000 she has specialized in Sustainable Consumption and Production. As the representative of TCO Development for Italy and Spain, she advises organizations that seek to contribute to a more sustainable economy by using the "TCO Certified" eco-label for sustainable procurement of electronic devices.

Clàudia Custodio
Researcher in the climate justice area at Observatorio de la Deuda en la Globalización (ODG) (Observatory of Debt in Globalization). She holds a degree in Human Geography and Development from Lund University, Sweden, and a Master’s in Human Ecology: Culture, Power, and Sustainability.

Emmanuel Umpula
Founder and Executive Director of AFREWATCH. He has worked for several national and international organizations and serves on their boards. He has played a key role in the revision of the mining code of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in advocating for communities affected by multinational corporations.

Jeroen Merk
Researcher at SOMO (Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations), specializing in supply chains in the textile, electronics, and mining sectors. He holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of Sussex and has held research positions at the London School of Economics (LSE) and the University of Edinburgh. He has also worked as a research coordinator for the Clean Clothes Campaign, advocating for labor rights for garment workers.

Mary Ann Castillo
President of Nexperia Workers Union - NAFLU - KMU and the Secretary General of Metal Workers Alliance of the Philippines (MWAP). Mary Ann has worked in Nexperia for 27 years. She leads in organizing contractual workers and non-unionized workers in the electronics industry in the country.

Nora Miralles
Journalist specializing in international analysis and holder of a Master’s in Gender, Conflict, and Human Rights from Ulster University (Belfast). Researcher on gender, security, militarism, and human rights at ODHE (Observatory on Human Rights and Business in the Mediterranean) and Shock Monitor, as well as at Centre Delàs de Estudis per la Pau (Centre Delàs for Peace Studies). She is also a member of the feminist research and social action cooperative Sudergintza Cooperativa.

No Tech for Apartheid
(NoTa) is an international campaign led by tech sector workers aimed at ending Project Nimbus, a contract between Google, Amazon, and Israel.

Prihanani Boenadi
Vice President of the International Department at the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI/CITU Indonesia). With extensive experience in labor rights advocacy, she works to strengthen the trade union movement in her country and globally.

Sabelo Mnguni
National Administrator of MACUA (MINING AFFECTED COMMUNITIES UNITED IN ACTION), a grassroots non-governmental organization formed by communities affected by mining. MACUA was created in response to the need to protect the integrity and interests of people impacted by mining operations. The organization is based in South Africa.

Tina Mason
Is an activist researcher and organiser with "La Fira en la mira" looking at the Fira Barcelona´s ties to Israel and ongoing support for companies complicit in genocide and apartheid. She is also a research coordinator with the World Humanitarian Action Forum (UK).

Agus Morales
Writer and editor of 5W, a magazine of narrative journalism and photography. He won the Ortega y Gasset Prize in 2019 and the Saliou Traoré Prize for Journalism in Spanish on Africa in 2022. He is the author of No somos refugiados (We Are Not Refugees), Cuando todo se derrumba (When Everything Collapses ) (2021), and the novel Ya no somos amigos (We Are No Longer Friends) (2022). He was a correspondent for Agencia Efe in India and Pakistan and worked for three years for Médecins Sans Frontières around Africa and the Middle East. He holds a degree in Journalism and a PhD in Language and Literature from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), where he currently works as an associate professor.