Make ICT Fair is a project receiving funding from the European Union over the course of three years. 11 EU organizations participate in this program, including Electronics Watch, the independent foundation monitoring working conditions at factories for the public sector, and SETEM Catalonia, the organization behind the Mobile Social Congress.
The organizations in this consortium, many of which collaborate with the Good Electronics network, are specialized either in workers’ rights and safety, or in the campaigns by communities affected by the mines that produce raw materials for electronics. We combine our efforts to protect human rights in the global electronics industry.
You can follow the project’s public activity using the hashtag #MakeICTFair.
Make ICT Fair’s 11 member organizations are: CATAPA, CEE Bankwatch, Electronics Watch, Local governments for sustainability (ICLEI), Le Monde Diplomatique, People & Planet, SETEM Catalonia, Südwind, Swedwatch, Towards Sustainability Action, and the University of Edinburgh.