The labor rights group SACOM (Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour), based in Hong Kong, presented at the end of 2017 the “iSlaveat10” campaign, which includes interviews with workers, animations and reports revealing the sweatshop conditions in which iPhones have been manufactured these 10 years. They also presented a global petiton to Apple to stop these abuses with 3 demands: to ensure trade union rights, to double the wage (not including overtime) to stop labor flexibilization. You can sign the petition in the Take Action page on the website.
SETEM held a workshop at the Mobile Social Congress 2018 to explain the modern slavery conditions in Foxconn to manufacture iPhones. We publish the 4 videos of the workshop, made by SACOM and subtitled in Catalan by SETEM, which can be found in the Media page on the website.