The Mobile Social Congress presents a report associating suicide with working conditions in the electronics industry in China

The report, prepared by the Economic Rights Institute and Electronics Watch, is based on the study of 167 suicide cases, in-depth interviews with 252 employees from four factories and surveys of 5,592 others. The Mobile Social Congress comes to a close this Wednesday with a panel discussion on responsible public…

A protest action denounces working conditions in the electronics industry at the entrance to the Mobile World Congress

  The protest was held the day before the start of the Mobile Social Congress in Barcelona, which will present different points of view on practices in the electronics industry silenced by the MWC Among other lectures and studies, the Congress will include the presentation of a report by Electronics…

“The Mobile Social Congress is not meant to be an ‘anti-MWC’ or the social side of the Mobile World Congress”

This Monday, the program for the fourth edition of the Mobile Social Congress was presented. This event seeks to encourage debate on the social and environmental impact of the electronics industry hidden by the Mobile World Congress. The Congress will be held on February 26 and 27, at the same…

The 2019 Mobile Social Congress to focus on the “modern slavery” generated by the electronics industry

The MSC will include lectures with data, reports and alternatives to the electronics industry’s current model. One such lecture will focus on the link between working conditions and suicides among electronics workers in China. The two days of the Mobile Social Congress, held in Barcelona on February 26 and 27, will be…

On February 26 and 27, Mobile Social Congress to present new reports on the impact of the tech industry

The Congress provides elements for reflection and debate on facets of the technology industry silenced by the Mobile World Congress, held at the same time in Barcelona Among others, a recent report by Electronics Watch shows the growing impact of the working conditions in tech factories in China on suicide…

iSlave at 10: four videos on the slavery conditions to manufacture iPhones

The labor rights group SACOM (Students and Scholars Against Corporate Misbehaviour), based in Hong Kong, presented at the end of 2017 the “iSlaveat10” campaign, which includes interviews with workers, animations and reports revealing the sweatshop conditions in which iPhones have been manufactured these 10 years. They also presented a global…

Electronics with a feminist perspective, the focus of the Mobile Social Congress

On Wednesday, the third edition of the  Mobile Social Congress concluded at Pati Manning. This Congress, organized by SETEM Catalunya on February 27 and 28 with the collaboration of over 30 local and international organizations and initiatives, seeks to reflect on the current model for the production and consumption of computer and communications technologies.…

See the Program of the 2018 Mobile Social Congress

In its third edition, the Mobile Social Congress will focus on the alternative experiences from the social and solidarity economy promoting technological sovereignty from a feminist perspective. At the same time, participants will get to see examples of organization and resistance by female workers and women from communities affected by…